My lil' loves:
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Drum book & drum sticks
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Books to read. Current reads are (1) A Biography of Kurt Cobain: Heavier Than Heaven, (2) Faith, God & Rock 'n' Roll, (3) Joy That Lasts
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Educational books for personal advancement. Borrowed 3 books from the library on writing articles, characters & Asian writings.
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My manual for life - the Bible. "Your Word is lamp unto my feet; a light unto my path. How can a young man (woman) cleanse his (her) way? By taking heed according to Your Word."
There you go. Essentials for my daily living, without which I could be under nourished, deprived, and low spirited. Of course there's this one other important essential...

What are your soul food? :0
My Soul Food:
1. Bible
2. Cort guitars
3. iTunes & Amco mp3 player
4. Acer laptop
5. Avant browser
6. Radrails (Ruby on Rails editor)
And THE MOST IMPORTANT ot them all... My LARLING! :)
One can easily tell what another's vocation is simply by knowin his/her soul food eh?
LY huhney! ;)
I've recently started using e-Sword again so include that into my list of soul food! :)
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