Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A few things

Re-listening to Barack Obama narrating his first book – ‘Dreams from my Father’ is an act of nostalgia for me. The past few months juggling between my lost of interest in my studies, as my term of studies draws to an end with half a year left to completion; a re-fuelled motivation in my work simply because I spend 9 hours at work and if I am not fruitful, where else do I plant my seed?; trying to be a little more active in serving other people’s needs; running and swimming 7 days a week, relenting not a single bit because I need my sports medication much as I need at least 5 hours of sleep daily; attempting to read and write daily but honestly I have been found wanting in this area because my nights shrink shorter with the persistence of my sports medication; and finally, the painful but needful work on my character development – this requires more than just mental power, it requires a considerable dose of stress, frustration, irritation, agony (evenly mixed) and did I mention high doses of hard work?

At the threshold of this second half of the year, I stand at the verge of the cliff of my world, with my back to the hanging cliff and the surging waters below – I look ahead to the open field, flat and stretched into the horizon far beyond my sight – and see in my mind’s eye – a train ride through an open country to the highland of my destiny. As breathtaking as the green hills and plains of the Irish Isles, so will the memories I am bound to collect along my journey.

I am excited beyond words and enthralled beyond description – at the thought of this amazing train ride. I hop aboard, and I am off. Till then my friend, adios!

Pic: my current reads

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Found wanting

In time she grows increasingly tired. She looks often, over the thick wall and wonders what the other side has to offer her unfulfilled life. She has heard stories of merchants trading, actors performing; she has heard of men acquiring gold and silver, and women held in high esteem by men.

Her heart flutters with each passing thought of greener pastures.


Monday, July 07, 2008


Crisis brings people together. In the wake of the rising cost of living, sub-prime crisis, incredulous oil/fuel hike, shortage of and rise in price of rice, borderless jihad and terrorist attacks, frequent suicide bombings in the Middle East, tsunami sweeping through the east and west parts of the world, the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, political unrests in countries all over the world, corruption among ruling parties, child trafficking and prostitution – the earth is brought closer together.

It is like the earth has shrunk, simply because citizens from across countries, borders and geographical distances know what is happening on the other side of the world through news and reports in the mass media. And with this shrinking of the earth, picture this: the arms of men and women across each others’ shoulders, huddling together, facing inwards, heads bowed low in prayers or silent observation – we, as brothers and sisters, are brought closer to one another.

We are bound in one spirit of hope – hope for ourselves, our children, our world. Hope that rests in love. And love that overcomes fear, discrimination, injustices, hatred and murder. Because love conquers all.