Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Leap

My Heart

I stood at the threshold of a breakthrough

The waters flowed freely and I held nothing back

I yielded all I am and will ever be

Knowing that nothing I withhold could bring me forward

The clouds burst, the sky cracked open and the wind beckoned

Confident of what lies ahead, I sealed my mind and

Leapt forward to grace

Ritchell Lim

She stood straight, pure and innocent

She struck her first chord

And my tear well burst

In her I saw the reality of life’s imperfections

Redeemed by the glory of God’s grace

In her I saw what love and family can do

To nurture the beauty of a child

In her I saw what mankind could achieve

When we cast aside worldly cares

And commit to a vision of the gifts within

To find out a little more on Ritchell Lim, pls visit

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