Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Journey to Ironhood: Week 25

Week 25 (27 Jun - 3 Jul):

It's fascinating how much of a microcycle the past 7 months have been. I've shot up to the moon, danced on cloud nine, sizzled among stars, and slapped hi-five with the sun.. figuratively speaking, of course. What I meant to say is I've been training hard, enjoyed every session of it, experienced peak performances, and relished in the gratifying reward of intense training and the adrenaline it brought.

Alas, life is a cycle we can't alter its course, and all things that go up must come down.

I have my fair, large share of diving into an empty well, scrapping at the bottom of the barrel, sprawled on a thirsty, dry land, in search for water, nourishment and any form of life. Translate this to my training: I have had a couple of bike crashes, bruised my body from lack of rest, fell terribly ill and subjected myself to my own sanctioned iron prison.

Sometimes I'm confident of getting to my dream, sometimes I doubt my own ability, simply because the journey there has been a tumultuous one.

"Do not be anxious, for the battle belongs not to you, but to the Lord."

That which matters most to you, lift it up and leave it into the hands of someone who won't screw up - your Creator.

So into Your hands, Lord, I commit the remaining 5 weeks.

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