Friday, April 14, 2006

Now Is The Time

Not "when", but "NOW".

Not when things happen, now when I get what I want, not when I feel like it - but now.

I become a better worker not when I settle in the job of my dreams - I become a good worker now in my current job, notwithstanding my interest or lack of interest in my job.

I become a diligent person not when my living conditions improve - I become a diligent person now in the mess of my living environment.

I become a patient and filial child to my parents not when I have the emotional capacity and time to do so - I become a patient and filial child now while I still have them.

I love people not when they are nice, kind & fun to hang out with - I love others now when I really don't feel like it & they are not the least lovable.

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