The most powerful tool bestowed unto man - that distincts him from all other creatures, is his mind - his ability to think, rationalize, analyse, and reason. His ability to convince and be convinced. His ability to persuade and be persuaded. His ability to find illumination from the darkness that so often surround and grip. - A.T.
Below are thoughts, illuminations and revelations over a period of some 10 months:
In conflicts, differences and misunderstandings, isn’t it funny how we don’t speak the language of love.
Below are thoughts, illuminations and revelations over a period of some 10 months:
In conflicts, differences and misunderstandings, isn’t it funny how we don’t speak the language of love.
Fact is, we should.
How do you find strength in pain?
Psa 77:10 "this is my anguish; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord."
In your anguish remember the goodness of God and His works in your life.
Psa 77:10 "this is my anguish; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the works of the Lord."
In your anguish remember the goodness of God and His works in your life.
Psa 77:15 "Your way, oh God, is in the sanctuary."

When we truly seek God with all our heart, mind and strength, the revelation of His presence is more powerful than the struggles in our lives.
The thoughts of a darkened mind and cold heart upon seeing the plight of a woman made widow by a sudden stroke which claimed her late husband's life, leaving her with huge business debts and uncaring children who refused to provide for her now in her old age - my heart is bleeding turmoil not because it's beyond my capacity to help, but because I'm afraid I may turn out as unfillial as her children are. Yet I ask myself, do I want my thoughts to be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Certainly not! Thus I will arise and make amends.

Apr 06
The thoughts of a darkened mind and cold heart upon seeing the plight of a woman made widow by a sudden stroke which claimed her late husband's life, leaving her with huge business debts and uncaring children who refused to provide for her now in her old age - my heart is bleeding turmoil not because it's beyond my capacity to help, but because I'm afraid I may turn out as unfillial as her children are. Yet I ask myself, do I want my thoughts to be a self-fulfilling prophecy? Certainly not! Thus I will arise and make amends.

Apr 06
In a crowded bus right in front of me sat a young pretty girl but with her head bowed low. Next to her sat her boyfriend. Neither looked happy together. It broke my heart to see a young girl who has so much in store for her to carry herself with such low self esteem and unhappiness.
And a sudden illumination dawned on me: That love edifies and builds up. Love makes a plain Jane a stunning Julia. ;)
Mar 06
Friends are important. The happiest people are those with good buddies to hang out and venture sports, music or interests with.
Mar 06

We constantly need to lose something because that's when God steps in to fill the void.
A person with purpose never feels lonely. He's a madman on fire chasing after all he's worth.

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